Error executing template "Designs/ClientBase_generated/_parsed/WebshopPage.parsed.cshtml"
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server) ---> System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (0x80004005): The system cannot find the file specified
   at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionPool.TryGetConnection(DbConnection owningObject, UInt32 waitForMultipleObjectsTimeout, Boolean allowCreate, Boolean onlyOneCheckConnection, DbConnectionOptions userOptions, DbConnectionInternal& connection)
   at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionPool.TryGetConnection(DbConnection owningObject, TaskCompletionSource`1 retry, DbConnectionOptions userOptions, DbConnectionInternal& connection)
   at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionFactory.TryGetConnection(DbConnection owningConnection, TaskCompletionSource`1 retry, DbConnectionOptions userOptions, DbConnectionInternal oldConnection, DbConnectionInternal& connection)
   at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionInternal.TryOpenConnectionInternal(DbConnection outerConnection, DbConnectionFactory connectionFactory, TaskCompletionSource`1 retry, DbConnectionOptions userOptions)
   at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.TryOpenInner(TaskCompletionSource`1 retry)
   at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.TryOpen(TaskCompletionSource`1 retry)
   at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.Open()
   at Bluedesk.Tools.DynamicWeb.DataAccess.DynamicwebData.Query(String sqlQuery, SqlParameter[] parameters)
   at Bluedesk.DynamicWeb.ItemTypes.BaseSolution.Frontend.BaseSettingServices.GetDataTable(Int32 PageId, Int32 AreaId) in C:\vso\KoksNewHorizon\BluedeskBaseSolution\ClientBase\ItemTypes\Bluedesk.DynamicWeb.ItemTypes.BaseSolution\Frontend\BaseSettings.cs:line 515
   at Bluedesk.DynamicWeb.ItemTypes.BaseSolution.Frontend.BaseSettingServices.RenderBaseSettings(PageView PageViewObj) in C:\vso\KoksNewHorizon\BluedeskBaseSolution\ClientBase\ItemTypes\Bluedesk.DynamicWeb.ItemTypes.BaseSolution\Frontend\BaseSettings.cs:line 535
   at CompiledRazorTemplates.Dynamic.RazorEngine_42c1e84c4f144bf8a976696af5f90cb9.Execute() in D:\\Solutions\Bluedesk\\files\Templates\Designs\ClientBase_generated\_parsed\WebshopPage.parsed.cshtml:line 87
   at RazorEngine.Templating.TemplateBase.RazorEngine.Templating.ITemplate.Run(ExecuteContext context, TextWriter reader)
   at RazorEngine.Templating.RazorEngineService.RunCompile(ITemplateKey key, TextWriter writer, Type modelType, Object model, DynamicViewBag viewBag)
   at RazorEngine.Templating.RazorEngineServiceExtensions.<>c__DisplayClass16_0.<RunCompile>b__0(TextWriter writer)
   at RazorEngine.Templating.RazorEngineServiceExtensions.WithWriter(Action`1 withWriter)
   at Dynamicweb.Rendering.RazorTemplateRenderingProvider.Render(Template template)
   at Dynamicweb.Rendering.TemplateRenderingService.Render(Template template)
   at Dynamicweb.Rendering.Template.RenderRazorTemplate()
Error Number:2,State:0,Class:20

1 @inherits Dynamicweb.Rendering.ViewModelTemplate<Dynamicweb.Frontend.PageViewModel> 2 3 @using System; 4 @using System.Web; 5 @using System.Linq; 6 @using System.Data; 7 @using System.Data.SqlClient; 8 @using System.Globalization; 9 @using System.Reflection; 10 11 @using Dynamicweb; 12 @using Dynamicweb.Content; 13 @using Dynamicweb.Content.Items; 14 @using Dynamicweb.Environment; 15 @using Dynamicweb.Frontend; 16 @using Dynamicweb.Frontend.Navigation; 17 18 @using Bluedesk.DynamicWeb.ItemTypes; 19 @using Bluedesk.DynamicWeb.ItemTypes.Settings; 20 @using Bluedesk.DynamicWeb.ItemTypes.Configuration; 21 @using Bluedesk.DynamicWeb.ItemTypes.BaseSolution; 22 23 @using Bluedesk.Tools.Generic; 24 @using Bluedesk.Tools.DynamicWeb.DataAccess; 25 26 @using Bluedesk.DynamicWeb.ItemTypes.BaseSolution.Frontend; 27 28 @inherits Dynamicweb.Rendering.ViewModelTemplate<Dynamicweb.Frontend.PageViewModel> 29 30 @using System; 31 @using System.Web; 32 @using System.Linq; 33 @using System.Globalization; 34 35 @using Dynamicweb; 36 @using Dynamicweb.Content.Items; 37 @using Dynamicweb.Environment; 38 @using Dynamicweb.Frontend; 39 @using Dynamicweb.Frontend.Navigation; 40 41 @using Bluedesk.Tools.Generic; 42 43 @using Bluedesk.DynamicWeb.ItemTypes; 44 @using Bluedesk.DynamicWeb.ItemTypes.Settings; 45 @using Bluedesk.DynamicWeb.ItemTypes.Settings.Configuration; 46 47 @using Bluedesk.DynamicWeb.ItemTypes.Configuration; 48 49 @using Bluedesk.DynamicWeb.ItemTypes.BaseSolution; 50 @using Bluedesk.DynamicWeb.ItemTypes.BaseSolution.Frontend; 51 52 @{ 53 54 var master_configuration = Dynamicweb.Services.Pages.GetPageByNavigationTag(Pageview.AreaID, "MasterConfiguration"); 55 MasterConfig mc = master_configuration.Item.ToCodeFirstItem<MasterConfig>(); 56 57 bool HideStandardFooter = mc.FooterConfiguration.HideStandardFooter.ToString() == "True" ? true : false; 58 59 string MasterConfigCssClass = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(mc.CssClass) ? mc.CssClass : ""; 60 61 // GeneralConfig GeneralConfiguration = mc.GeneralConfiguration; 62 EcomConfig EcommerceConfiguration = mc.EcomConfiguration; 63 64 bool WithVATBool = Pageview.Area.EcomPricesWithVat == "True"; 65 bool pricesWithoutVatForUsers = EcommerceConfiguration.ShowPricesWithoutVatForUsers; 66 bool pricesWithoutVatForValidVat = EcommerceConfiguration.ShowPricesWithoutVatWhenValidVatNumber; 67 if(pricesWithoutVatForUsers && !pricesWithoutVatForValidVat && Pageview.User != null) { 68 WithVATBool = false; 69 } 70 if(pricesWithoutVatForValidVat && Pageview.User != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Pageview.User.VatRegNumber)) { 71 WithVATBool = false; 72 } 73 string ecomShowPricesWithVat = WithVATBool.ToString().ToLower(); 74 string ecomPricesFormatted = (EcommerceConfiguration.FormattedPrices).ToString().ToLower(); 75 76 bool IsNotContentManager = false; 77 bool isVisualEditor = Pageview.IsVisualEditorMode; 78 79 if (isVisualEditor) 80 { 81 System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["PreviousPage"] = Pageview.Page.ID; 82 IsNotContentManager = (Dynamicweb.Security.UserManagement.User.GetCurrentBackendUser()?.Groups?.All(g => g.Name != "Content managers") ?? true); 83 } 84 85 BaseSettingsObj BaseSettings = new BaseSettingsObj(); 86 87 BaseSettings = BaseSettingServices.RenderBaseSettings(Pageview); 88 HttpContext.Current.Session["BaseSettings"] = BaseSettings; 89 90 //if (HttpContext.Current.Session["BaseSettings"] == null) 91 //{ 92 93 //} 94 //else 95 //{ 96 // BaseSettings = (BaseSettingsObj)HttpContext.Current.Session["BaseSettings"]; 97 // if (BaseSettings.AreaID != Pageview.AreaID) 98 // { 99 // BaseSettings = BaseSettingServices.RenderBaseSettings(Pageview); 100 // HttpContext.Current.Session["BaseSettings"] = BaseSettings; 101 // } 102 //} 103 104 BaseSettingsBrandConfiguration BaseSettingsBrandConfiguration = BaseSettings.BrandConfiguration; 105 BaseSettingsButtons BaseSettingsButtons = BaseSettingsBrandConfiguration.Buttons; 106 107 var font_configuration = Dynamicweb.Services.Pages.GetPageByNavigationTag(Pageview.AreaID, "FontConfiguration"); 108 109 var httpdomain = Dynamicweb.Environment.Helpers.LinkHelper.GetHttpDomain(); 110 var lang = Pageview.Area.CultureInfo.TwoLetterISOLanguageName; 111 var langName = Pageview.Area.Culture; 112 113 var csrftoken = application._webapi.Helper.CSRFHelper.TokenHeaderValue(); 114 var designRoot = BaseSettings.DesignRoot; 115 116 var phonenumber = BaseSettings.CorporateSettings.Phonenumber; 117 var formattedPhonenumber = phonenumber.Replace(" ", String.Empty); 118 var emailadress = BaseSettings.CorporateSettings.Emailadress; 119 var buttonIconClass = Pageview.Area.Item["Global_button_icon"] != null ? Pageview.Area.Item["Global_button_icon"].ToString().Replace("+", " ") : "fal fa-arrow-right"; 120 var callmebackformlink = BaseSettings.BrandConfiguration.CallMeBackForm; 121 var mobileThemeColor = BaseSettings.BrandConfiguration.MobileThemeColor; 122 123 bool isOffline = false; 124 125 DateTime workingHoursStart = BaseSettings.CorporateSettings.OpeningTime; 126 DateTime workingHoursEnd = BaseSettings.CorporateSettings.ClosingTime; 127 DateTime today = DateTime.Now; 128 var cHour = DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay; 129 int cDay = (int)DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek; 130 string availableToHour24hFormat = workingHoursEnd.TimeOfDay.ToString().Substring(0, 5); 131 var timeFromInput = DateTime.ParseExact(availableToHour24hFormat, "H:m", null, DateTimeStyles.None); 132 string availableToHour12hFormat = timeFromInput.ToString("hh:mm tt", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); 133 var availableToHour = lang == "en" ? availableToHour12hFormat : availableToHour24hFormat; 134 bool isOvertime = cHour >= workingHoursEnd.TimeOfDay || cHour <= workingHoursStart.TimeOfDay; 135 bool isNoValidDate = today < workingHoursStart || today > workingHoursEnd; 136 if (isNoValidDate || isOvertime) 137 { 138 isOffline = true; 139 } 140 141 Boolean showBreadcrumbs = Pageview.Page.PropertyItem != null && Pageview.Page.PropertyItem["ShowBreadcrumbs"] != null ? Convert.ToBoolean(Pageview.Page.PropertyItem["ShowBreadcrumbs"]) : false; 142 143 var appcss = Cache.VersionedFile(designRoot + "/dist/app.css"); 144 145 var favicon32 = Cache.VersionedFile(designRoot + "/assets/img/favicon-32.png", true); 146 var favicon16 = Cache.VersionedFile(designRoot + "/assets/img/favicon-16.png", true); 147 var favicon = Cache.VersionedFile(designRoot + "/assets/img/favicon.ico", true); 148 149 favicon = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(BaseSettings.BrandConfiguration.Favicons.Favicon) ? BaseSettings.BrandConfiguration.Favicons.Favicon : favicon; 150 favicon16 = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(BaseSettings.BrandConfiguration.Favicons.Favicon16) ? BaseSettings.BrandConfiguration.Favicons.Favicon16 : favicon16; 151 favicon32 = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(BaseSettings.BrandConfiguration.Favicons.Favicon32) ? BaseSettings.BrandConfiguration.Favicons.Favicon32 : favicon32; 152 153 var appbundlejs = Cache.VersionedFile(designRoot + "/dist/app.bundle.js"); 154 var appAsyncbundlejs = Cache.VersionedFile(designRoot + "/dist/appAsync.bundle.js"); 155 var vuebundlejs = Cache.VersionedFile(designRoot + "/dist/vue.bundle.js"); 156 157 //*** Start Scanapp configuration ***\\ 158 bool hideHeader = false; 159 bool hideFooter = false; 160 bool hideBottombar = false; 161 162 if (HttpContext.Current.Session["ScanApp"] != null) 163 { 164 hideHeader = mc.ScanAppConfig.ShowHeader; 165 hideFooter = mc.ScanAppConfig.ShowFooter; 166 hideBottombar = mc.ScanAppConfig.ShowBottombar; 167 } 168 // END Scanapp configration **\\ 169 170 } 171 172 173 @{ 174 string fooProductDetailConfigurationID = mc.EcomConfiguration.ProductDetailConfigurationID; 175 string fooProductOverviewConfigurationID = mc.EcomConfiguration.ProductOverviewConfigurationID; 176 177 int ProductDetailLayoutID = Dynamicweb.Services.Pages.GetPageForItem("ProductDetailConfigurationPage", fooProductDetailConfigurationID)?.ID ?? 0; 178 int ProductOverviewLayoutID = Dynamicweb.Services.Pages.GetPageForItem("ProductOverviewConfigurationPage", fooProductOverviewConfigurationID)?.ID ?? 0; 179 180 System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Items["MasterPageSetup"] = "Ecommerce"; 181 182 string queryParamGroupId = Dynamicweb.Context.Current.Request.QueryString.Get("GroupID"); 183 string queryParamProductId = Dynamicweb.Context.Current.Request.QueryString.Get("ProductID"); 184 185 bool isOverviewPage = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParamProductId); 186 bool isDetailPage = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParamGroupId) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParamProductId); 187 string jsIsOverviewPage = isOverviewPage.ToString().ToLower(); 188 } 189 190 <!DOCTYPE html> 191 <html lang="@lang" prefix="og:"> 192 <head> 193 <meta charset="utf-8"> 194 <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> 195 <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> 196 <meta name="theme-color" content="@mobileThemeColor"> 197 @Model.MetaTags 198 <title>@Model.Title</title> 199 200 @RenderSnippet("canonical") 201 @RenderSnippet("ogTags") 202 203 @{ 204 string urlProtocol = Dynamicweb.Context.Current.Request.Url.Scheme; 205 List<Dynamicweb.Content.Page> pageTranslations = new List<Dynamicweb.Content.Page>(); 206 bool isMasterPage = Pageview.Area.IsMaster; 207 if (isMasterPage) 208 { 209 pageTranslations.Add(Pageview.Page); 210 if (Pageview.Page.Languages != null) 211 { 212 foreach (var language in Pageview.Page.Languages) 213 { 214 if (language.Published) 215 { 216 pageTranslations.Add(language); 217 } 218 } 219 } 220 } 221 else 222 { 223 pageTranslations.Add(Pageview.Page.MasterPage); 224 if (Pageview.Page.MasterPage != null) 225 { 226 if (Pageview.Page.MasterPage.Languages != null) 227 { 228 foreach (var language in Pageview.Page.MasterPage.Languages) 229 { 230 if (language.Published) 231 { 232 pageTranslations.Add(language); 233 } 234 } 235 } 236 } 237 } 238 foreach (var page in pageTranslations) 239 { 240 if (page != null) 241 { 242 string url = $"Default.aspx?ID={page.ID}"; 243 string groupid = Dynamicweb.Context.Current.Request.QueryString.Get("GroupID"); 244 string productid = Dynamicweb.Context.Current.Request.QueryString.Get("ProductID"); 245 string variantid = Dynamicweb.Context.Current.Request.QueryString.Get("VariantID"); 246 if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(groupid)) 247 { 248 var groupObj = Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.Services.ProductGroups.GetGroup(groupid, page.Area.EcomLanguageId); 249 if (groupObj == null) 250 { 251 continue; 252 } 253 url = $"{url}&GroupID={groupid}"; 254 } 255 if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(productid)) 256 { 257 var productObj = Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.Services.Products.GetProductById(productid, variantid, page.Area.EcomLanguageId);; 258 if (productObj == null) 259 { 260 continue; 261 } 262 url = $"{url}&ProductID={productid}"; 263 if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(variantid)) 264 { 265 url = $"{url}&VariantID={variantid}"; 266 } 267 } 268 269 string currentdomain = Context.Current.Request.Url.DnsSafeHost; 270 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(page.Area.DomainLock)) { 271 currentdomain = page.Area.DomainLock; 272 } 273 string friendlyUrl = Dynamicweb.Frontend.SearchEngineFriendlyURLs.GetFriendlyUrl(url, page.Area.EcomLanguageId); 274 string href = $"{urlProtocol}://{currentdomain}{friendlyUrl}"; 275 string hreflang = page.Area.CultureInfo.Name.ToLower(); 276 <link rel="alternate" href="@href" hreflang="@hreflang" /> 277 } 278 } 279 } 280 281 282 <link rel="preconnect" href=""> 283 <link rel="preconnect" href="" crossorigin> 284 <link href="@appcss" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> 285 286 @{ 287 if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(favicon32)) 288 { 289 <link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="32x32" href="@favicon32"> 290 } 291 if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(favicon16)) 292 { 293 <link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="16x16" href="@favicon16"> 294 } 295 if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(favicon)) 296 { 297 <link rel="shortcut icon" href="@favicon"> 298 } 299 } 300 301 @inherits Dynamicweb.Rendering.RazorTemplateBase<Dynamicweb.Rendering.RazorTemplateModel<Dynamicweb.Rendering.Template>> 302 @using System; 303 @using System.Web; 304 @using System.Linq; 305 @using System.Globalization; 306 307 @using Dynamicweb; 308 @using Dynamicweb.Content.Items; 309 @using Dynamicweb.Environment; 310 @using Dynamicweb.Frontend; 311 @using Dynamicweb.Frontend.Navigation; 312 313 @using Bluedesk.Tools.Generic; 314 315 @using Bluedesk.DynamicWeb.ItemTypes; 316 @using Bluedesk.DynamicWeb.ItemTypes.Settings; 317 @using Bluedesk.DynamicWeb.ItemTypes.Settings.Configuration; 318 319 @using Bluedesk.DynamicWeb.ItemTypes.Configuration; 320 @using Bluedesk.DynamicWeb.ItemTypes.BaseSolution; 321 @using Bluedesk.DynamicWeb.ItemTypes.Extensions; 322 323 @helper RenderCSSKeyAndValue(string Key, string Value) 324 { 325 if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Value)) 326 { 327 <text>@Key : @Value !important;</text> 328 } 329 } 330 331 @helper SetFontCSSVariables(FontConfigurationItemTab FontConfiguration) 332 { 333 334 string Top = != 0 ? + "px" : ""; 335 string Left = FontConfiguration.left != 0 ? FontConfiguration.left.ToString() + "px" : ""; 336 string Right = FontConfiguration.right != 0 ? FontConfiguration.right.ToString() + "px" : ""; 337 string Bottom = FontConfiguration.bottom != 0 ? FontConfiguration.bottom.ToString() + "px" : ""; 338 339 string Position = FontConfiguration.PositionAbsolute ? "absolute" : "relative"; 340 341 string Color = FontConfiguration.Color?.GetColorCode(Pageview.AreaID) ?? ""; 342 string BackgroundColor = FontConfiguration.Backgroundcolor?.GetColorCode(Pageview.AreaID) ?? ""; 343 344 string BorderColor = FontConfiguration.BorderColor?.GetColorCode(Pageview.AreaID) ?? ""; 345 string BorderSize = FontConfiguration.BorderSize != 0 ? FontConfiguration.BorderSize.ToString() + "px" : ""; 346 347 <text> 348 349 --Position: @Position; 350 351 @RenderCSSKeyAndValue("--Padding", FontConfiguration.Padding) 352 353 @RenderCSSKeyAndValue("--Top", Top) 354 @RenderCSSKeyAndValue("--Left", Left) 355 @RenderCSSKeyAndValue("--Right", Right) 356 @RenderCSSKeyAndValue("--Bottom", Bottom) 357 358 @RenderCSSKeyAndValue("--Color", Color) 359 @RenderCSSKeyAndValue("--FontSize", FontConfiguration.FontSize) 360 @RenderCSSKeyAndValue("--FontStyle", FontConfiguration.FontStyle) 361 362 @RenderCSSKeyAndValue("--FontWeight", FontConfiguration.FontWeight) 363 @RenderCSSKeyAndValue("--FontFamily", FontConfiguration.FontConfiguration.FontFamily) 364 @RenderCSSKeyAndValue("--LineHeight", FontConfiguration.LineHeight) 365 366 @RenderCSSKeyAndValue("--BackgroundColor", BackgroundColor) 367 @RenderCSSKeyAndValue("--BorderColor", BorderColor) 368 @RenderCSSKeyAndValue("--BorderSize", BorderSize) 369 370 </text> 371 372 } 373 374 375 <script> 376 window.globals = { 377 pageId: '@Pageview.ID', 378 Token: '@csrftoken', 379 DW_AREA_CULTURE: '@langName', 380 DW_AREA_CULTURE_SHORT: '@lang', 381 globalIconClass: '@buttonIconClass', 382 DW_USERID: '@Dynamicweb.Security.UserManagement.User.GetCurrentExtranetUserId()', 383 isEcomOverview: @jsIsOverviewPage, 384 DW_SHOW_PRICES_WITH_VAT: @ecomShowPricesWithVat, 385 DW_PRICES_FORMATTED: @ecomPricesFormatted, 386 DW_GROUP_ID: '@queryParamGroupId' 387 }; 388 </script> 389 390 @BaseSettings.System.HeadScript 391 392 @{ 393 var _cookieOptinLevel = Dynamicweb.Environment.CookieManager.GetCookieOptInLevel(); 394 var _enabledCookieCategories = Dynamicweb.Environment.CookieManager.GetCookieOptInCategories(); 395 if (_cookieOptinLevel.ToString() == "All" || _enabledCookieCategories.Contains("Marketing_Cookies")) 396 { 397 @BaseSettings.System.HeadScriptAfterConsent; 398 } 399 } 400 401 @using Bluedesk.DynamicWeb.ItemTypes.BaseSolution.Frontend; 402 @{ 403 404 var reviewName = BaseSettings.Review.Review_Name != null ? BaseSettings.Review.Review_Name : ""; 405 var reviewBestRating = BaseSettings.Review.Review_Best_Rating != null ? BaseSettings.Review.Review_Best_Rating : ""; 406 var reviewWorstRating = BaseSettings.Review.Review_Worst_Rating != null ? BaseSettings.Review.Review_Worst_Rating : ""; 407 var reviewRatingValue = BaseSettings.Review.Review_Rating_Value != null ? BaseSettings.Review.Review_Rating_Value : ""; 408 var reviewCount = BaseSettings.Review.Review_Count != null ? BaseSettings.Review.Review_Count : ""; 409 var reviewUrl = BaseSettings.Review.Review_URL != null ? BaseSettings.Review.Review_URL : ""; 410 411 var searchPageID = Bluedesk.Tools.DynamicWeb.Generic.PageHelper.GetPageIDByNavigationTag("searchresults", Pageview.AreaID); 412 var domain = Dynamicweb.Environment.Helpers.LinkHelper.GetHttpDomain(); 413 } 414 415 <script type="application/ld+json"> 416 [{ 417 "@@context": "", 418 "@@type": "Organization", 419 "name" : "@BaseSettings.CorporateSettings.CompanyName", 420 "url": "@domain", 421 "sameAs" : "@BaseSettings.SocialMedia.Facebook", 422 "logo": "@domain@BaseSettings.BrandConfiguration.Logos.Logo", 423 "contactPoint" : [{ 424 "@@type" : "ContactPoint", 425 "telephone" : "@BaseSettings.CorporateSettings.Phonenumber", 426 "contactType" : "customer service" , 427 "@@context": "", 428 "@@id": "@domain", 429 "name": "@BaseSettings.CorporateSettings.CompanyName" 430 }], 431 "address": { 432 "@@type": "PostalAddress", 433 "streetAddress": "@BaseSettings.CorporateSettings.Address", 434 "addressLocality": "@BaseSettings.CorporateSettings.City", 435 "postalCode": "@BaseSettings.CorporateSettings.Zipcode", 436 "addressRegion": "@BaseSettings.CorporateSettings.Region", 437 "addressCountry": "@BaseSettings.CorporateSettings.Country" 438 } 439 }, 440 { 441 "@@context": "", 442 "@@type": "WebSite", 443 "name" : "@BaseSettings.CorporateSettings.CompanyName", 444 "alternateName" : "@BaseSettings.CorporateSettings.AltCompanyName", 445 "url": "@domain", 446 "potentialAction": { 447 "@@type": "SearchAction", 448 "target": "@domain/Default.aspx?ID=@searchPageID&q={search_term_string}", 449 "query-input": "required name=search_term_string" 450 } 451 }] 452 </script> 453 454 <script type="application/ld+json"> 455 { 456 "@@context": "", 457 "@@type": "Product", 458 "name": "@reviewName", 459 "url":"@reviewUrl", 460 "aggregateRating": { 461 "@@type": "AggregateRating", 462 "bestRating": "@reviewBestRating", 463 "worstRating": "@reviewWorstRating", 464 "ratingValue": "@reviewRatingValue", 465 "reviewCount": "@reviewCount" 466 } 467 } 468 </script> 469 470 471 @RenderSnippet("DataLayer") 472 @RenderSnippet("GoogleMapsScript") 473 474 @using Bluedesk.DynamicWeb.ItemTypes.BaseSolution.Frontend; 475 476 @{ 477 478 // TODO: Add there options to master config for product overview 479 bool hidePricesForGuests = false; 480 bool hideShoppingCartForGuests = false; 481 482 bool enableShoppingCart = hideShoppingCartForGuests && Pageview.User == null ? false : BaseSettings.Features.ConfigModuleShoppingCart; 483 bool enableLogin = BaseSettings.Features.ConfigModuleLogin; 484 bool enableQuickOrder = BaseSettings.Features.ConfigModuleQuickOrder; 485 bool enableAdvancedSearch = BaseSettings.Features.ConfigModuleAdvancedSearch; 486 bool enableCallMeBack = BaseSettings.Features.ConfigModuleCallMeBack; 487 bool enableDyslexicFont = BaseSettings.Features.ConfigModuleDyslexicFont; 488 bool enableProductCompare = BaseSettings.Features.ConfigModuleProductCompare; 489 } 490 491 492 <style> 493 @inherits Dynamicweb.Rendering.ViewModelTemplate<Dynamicweb.Frontend.PageViewModel> 494 @using Dynamicweb; 495 496 @using System.Data; 497 @using System.Data.SqlClient; 498 @using Bluedesk.Tools.DynamicWeb.DataAccess; 499 500 @using Bluedesk.DynamicWeb.ItemTypes; 501 @using Bluedesk.DynamicWeb.ItemTypes.Settings; 502 @using Bluedesk.DynamicWeb.ItemTypes.Configuration; 503 @using Bluedesk.DynamicWeb.ItemTypes.BaseSolution; 504 505 @using Bluedesk.DynamicWeb.ItemTypes.BaseSolution.Frontend; 506 507 @Title("Configuration page template") 508 509 @{ 510 511 string RoundedCornersValue = BaseSettings.BrandConfiguration.RoundedCorners; 512 string ButtonHeight = BaseSettings.BrandConfiguration.ButtonHeight; 513 514 string fontawesomeFontFamily = "Font Awesome 5 Pro"; 515 int fontawesomeFontWeight = 300; 516 517 switch (BaseSettings.BrandConfiguration.FontawesomeStyle) 518 { 519 520 case "fal": 521 fontawesomeFontWeight = 300; 522 break; 523 case "far": 524 fontawesomeFontWeight = 400; 525 break; 526 case "fas": 527 fontawesomeFontWeight = 900; 528 break; 529 case "fad": 530 fontawesomeFontWeight = 900; 531 fontawesomeFontFamily = "Font Awesome 5 Duotone"; 532 break; 533 } 534 535 } 536 537 @BaseSettingServices.RenderButtonCSS("btn__primary", BaseSettingsButtons.PrimaryButtonConfiguration) 538 @BaseSettingServices.RenderButtonCSS("btn__secondary", BaseSettingsButtons.SecondaryButtonConfiguration) 539 @BaseSettingServices.RenderButtonCSS("btn__contrast", BaseSettingsButtons.ContrastButtonConfiguration) 540 541 :root, 542 body { 543 544 --BaseColorPrimary : @BaseSettingsBrandConfiguration.BaseColorPrimary; 545 --BaseColorSecondary : @BaseSettingsBrandConfiguration.BaseColorSecondary; 546 --BaseColorContrast : @BaseSettingsBrandConfiguration.BaseColorContrast; 547 548 --BaseFontPrimary : @BaseSettingsBrandConfiguration.PrimaryFontFamily; 549 --BaseFontSecondary : @BaseSettingsBrandConfiguration.PrimaryFontFamily; 550 551 @BaseSettings.BrandConfiguration.BodyInlineStyles 552 --StandardUnitSize : 3.2rem; 553 } 554 555 .footer { 556 --FooterContainerDisplay: none !important; 557 display: var(--FooterContainerDisplay) 558 } 559 560 h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { @BaseSettings.BrandConfiguration.HeaderInlineStyles } 561 562 h1.cta-paragraph__header { @BaseSettings.BrandConfiguration.H1InlineStyles } 563 h2.cta-paragraph__header { @BaseSettings.BrandConfiguration.H2InlineStyles } 564 h3.cta-paragraph__header { @BaseSettings.BrandConfiguration.H3InlineStyles } 565 h4.cta-paragraph__header { @BaseSettings.BrandConfiguration.H4InlineStyles } 566 567 .po-block__addtocart .btn, 568 .productdetails__add-to-cart, 569 .searchbox__input { 570 border-radius: @RoundedCornersValue; 571 } 572 573 main.blur { 574 filter: grayscale(50%) blur(15px); 575 -webkit-filter: grayscale(50%) blur(15px); 576 } 577 578 .AdvancedGridButton { 579 --BorderRadius: @RoundedCornersValue; 580 } 581 582 .btn { 583 height: var(--StandardUnitSize); 584 } 585 586 .btn__icon { 587 588 --fontawesomeFontFamily : "@fontawesomeFontFamily"; 589 --fontawesomeFontWeight : @fontawesomeFontWeight; 590 591 font-family: var(--fontawesomeFontFamily); 592 font-weight: var(--fontawesomeFontWeight); 593 594 -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale; 595 -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; 596 display: inline-block; 597 font-style: normal; 598 font-variant: normal; 599 text-rendering: auto; 600 line-height: 1; 601 602 } 603 604 .cta-paragraph { 605 background-color: var(--mainBackgroundColor); 606 } 607 608 .cta-paragraph__container { 609 background-color: var(--contentBackgroundColor); 610 border: var(--contentBorder); 611 } 612 613 .cta-paragraph__subheader, 614 .cta-paragraph__header, 615 .cta-paragraph__text p, 616 .cta-paragraph__text li { 617 color: var(--Color); 618 background-color: var(--BackgroundColor); 619 border-color: var(--BorderColor); 620 position: var(--Position); 621 top: var(--Top); 622 left: var(--Left); 623 right: var(--Right); 624 bottom: var(--Bottom); 625 padding: var(--Padding); 626 border: var(--BorderSize); 627 font-size: var(--FontSize); 628 text-transform: var(--FontStyle); 629 line-height: var(--LineHeight); 630 font-weight: var(--FontWeight); 631 font-family: var(--FontFamily); 632 border-radius: var(--BorderRadius); 633 } 634 635 .cta-paragraph__content-container { 636 align-items: var(--ContentElementAlignmentAlignItems); 637 text-align: var(--ContentElementAlignmentTextAlign); 638 } 639 640 .cta-paragraph__btn-navigation, 641 .cta-paragraph__content-container { 642 align-items : var(--ContainerFitContentAlignmentAlignItems); 643 justify-content: var(--ContainerFitContentAlignmentJustifyContent); 644 } 645 646 .jumbotron__subheader, 647 .jumbotron__header, 648 .jumbotron__shoutbox-intro p, 649 .jumbotron__shoutbox-intro li, 650 .header--desktop.headerNew { 651 position: relative; 652 } 653 654 .header--desktop.headerNew.stickyheader { 655 position: fixed; 656 } 657 658 @@media screen and (min-width: 992px){ 659 .image-left { 660 justify-content: flex-end; 661 flex-direction: row; 662 } 663 664 .image-right { 665 justify-content: flex-start; 666 flex-direction: row-reverse; 667 } 668 } 669 670 .AdvancedGrid__row { 671 background-color: var(--BackgroundColor); 672 } 673 674 .cta-paragraph__btn-navigation { 675 padding: 1.2rem 0rem !important; 676 } 677 678 .AdvancedGrid, 679 .AdvancedGrid__container { 680 width: 100%; 681 background-image: var(--BackgroundImage); 682 min-height: var(--Height); 683 } 684 685 @{ 686 687 int PageViewId = Pageview.Page.ID; 688 int AreaId = Pageview.AreaID; 689 690 // HttpContext.Current.Session["PageIdForStyles"] = Pageview.Page.ID; 691 // HttpContext.Current.Session["AreaIdForStyles"] = Pageview.AreaID; 692 693 DataTable AdvancedGridStylesDataTable = null; 694 695 AdvancedGridStylesDataTable = DynamicwebData.Query($@" 696 697 SELECT 698 InlineStyles AS Styles 699 700 FROM 701 [dbo].[ItemType_AdvancedGridConfiguration] AS AGC 702 LEFT JOIN [dbo].[GridRow] AS GR ON GR.GridRowItemId = AGC.Id 703 704 WHERE 705 GR.GridRowPageId = @PageId; 706 707 ", new SqlParameter("PageId", PageViewId)); 708 709 DataTable BackgroundConfigDataTable = null; 710 711 BackgroundConfigDataTable = DynamicwebData.Query($@" 712 713 SELECT 714 distinct(BG.Stylesheet) AS Styles 715 716 FROM [dbo].GridRow AS GR 717 INNER JOIN dbo.Paragraph AS PG ON PG.ParagraphGridRowId = GR.GridRowId 718 LEFT JOIN dbo.ItemType_CTAParagraph AS CTA ON CTA.Id = PG.ParagraphItemId 719 LEFT JOIN dbo.ItemType_MultiColumnParagraph AS MCP ON MCP.Id = PG.ParagraphItemId 720 LEFT JOIN dbo.ItemType_Carousel AS CS ON CS.Id = PG.ParagraphItemId 721 LEFT JOIN dbo.ItemType_BackgroundConfiguration AS BG ON CTA.BackgroundConfigurationID = BG.Id 722 OR MCP.BackgroundConfigurationID = BG.Id 723 OR CS.BackgroundConfigurationID = BG.Id 724 725 WHERE GR.GridRowPageID=@PageId 726 AND bg.Stylesheet Is NOT NULL", new SqlParameter("PageId", PageViewId)); 727 728 DataTable ButtonConfigDataTable = null; 729 730 ButtonConfigDataTable = DynamicwebData.Query($@" 731 732 SELECT 733 distinct(BCONF.Stylesheet) AS Styles 734 735 FROM [dbo].GridRow AS GR 736 LEFT JOIN [dbo].Paragraph AS P ON P.ParagraphGridRowId = GR.GridRowId 737 LEFT JOIN [dbo].ItemType_CTAParagraph AS CTAP ON CTAP.Id = P.ParagraphItemId 738 739 LEFT JOIN [dbo].ItemType_MultiColumnParagraph AS MCP ON MCP.Id = P.ParagraphItemId 740 LEFT JOIN [dbo].[ItemList] AS ColumnIL ON ColumnIL.ItemListId = MCP.ParagraphListID 741 LEFT JOIN [dbo].[ItemListRelation] AS ColumnILR ON ColumnIL.ItemListId = ColumnILR.ItemListRelationItemListId 742 LEFT JOIN [dbo].[ItemType_ParagraphColumn] AS PC ON PC.Id = ColumnILR.ItemListRelationItemId 743 744 LEFT JOIN [dbo].ItemType_Carousel AS CS ON CS.Id = P.ParagraphItemId 745 LEFT JOIN [dbo].[ItemList] AS CIIL ON CIIL.ItemListId = CS.CarouselListID 746 LEFT JOIN [dbo].[ItemListRelation] AS CIILR ON CIIL.ItemListId = CIILR.ItemListRelationItemListId 747 LEFT JOIN [dbo].ItemType_CarouselItem AS CI ON CI.Id = CIILR.ItemListRelationItemId 748 749 LEFT JOIN [dbo].[ItemType_JumbotronContainer] AS JC ON JC.Id = P.ParagraphItemId 750 LEFT JOIN [dbo].[ItemList] AS JCIL ON JCIL.ItemListId = JC.JumbotronListID 751 LEFT JOIN [dbo].[ItemListRelation] AS JCILR ON JCIL.ItemListId = JCILR.ItemListRelationItemListId 752 LEFT JOIN [dbo].ItemType_JumbotronListItem AS JCLI ON JCLI.Id = JCILR.ItemListRelationItemId 753 754 LEFT JOIN [dbo].[ItemType_CTAButton] AS CTAB ON 755 CTAP.ButtonID = CTAB.Id 756 OR CTAP.ExtraButtonID = CTAB.Id 757 OR MCP.ButtonID = CTAB.Id 758 OR PC.ButtonID = CTAB.Id 759 OR PC.ExtraButtonID = CTAB.Id 760 OR CS.ButtonID = CTAB.Id 761 OR CI.ButtonID = CTAB.Id 762 OR CI.ExtraButtonID = CTAB.Id 763 OR JCLI.ButtonID = CTAB.Id 764 LEFT JOIN [dbo].[ItemType_ButtonConfiguration] AS BCONF ON CTAB.ButtonConfigurationID = BCONF.Id 765 766 WHERE 767 GR.GridRowPageID = @PageId 768 AND GR.GridRowActive = 1 769 AND CTAB.ButtonConfigurationID Is NOT NULL", new SqlParameter("PageId", PageViewId)); 770 771 DataTable MasterConfigDataTable = null; 772 773 MasterConfigDataTable = DynamicwebData.Query($@" 774 775 SELECT 776 MC.CustomCSS 777 778 FROM 779 [dbo].[Page] AS P 780 INNER JOIN [dbo].[ItemType_MasterConfig] AS MC ON P.PageItemId = MC.Id 781 782 WHERE 783 p.PageItemType = 'MasterConfig' 784 AND PageAreaId = @AreaId;", new SqlParameter("AreaId", AreaId)); 785 786 if (AdvancedGridStylesDataTable != null && AdvancedGridStylesDataTable.Rows.Count > 0) 787 { 788 for (int i = 0; i < AdvancedGridStylesDataTable.Rows.Count; i++) 789 { 790 @AdvancedGridStylesDataTable.Rows[i]["Styles"].ToString(); 791 } 792 } 793 794 if (BackgroundConfigDataTable != null && BackgroundConfigDataTable.Rows.Count > 0) 795 { 796 for (int i = 0; i < BackgroundConfigDataTable.Rows.Count; i++) 797 { 798 @BackgroundConfigDataTable.Rows[i]["Styles"].ToString(); 799 } 800 } 801 802 if (ButtonConfigDataTable != null && ButtonConfigDataTable.Rows.Count > 0) 803 { 804 for (int i = 0; i < ButtonConfigDataTable.Rows.Count; i++) 805 { 806 @ButtonConfigDataTable.Rows[i]["Styles"].ToString(); 807 } 808 } 809 810 @MasterConfigDataTable.Rows[0]["CustomCSS"].ToString(); 811 } 812 813 </style> 814 815 </head> 816 <body class="ProductDetailPage Page--@Pageview.Page.ID @MasterConfigCssClass" id="@Pageview.Page.ID"> 817 818 @BaseSettings.System.BodyScript 819 @{ 820 if (_cookieOptinLevel.ToString() == "All" || _enabledCookieCategories.Contains("Marketing_Cookies")) 821 { 822 @BaseSettings.System.BodyScriptAfterConsent; 823 } 824 } 825 826 @BaseSettings.System.TailScript 827 828 @inherits Dynamicweb.Rendering.ViewModelTemplate<Dynamicweb.Frontend.PageViewModel> 829 830 @using System.Linq; 831 @using System.Data; 832 833 @using Dynamicweb; 834 @using Dynamicweb.Content; 835 @using Bluedesk.DynamicWeb.ItemTypes.BaseSolution.Frontend; 836 837 @{ 838 839 DataTable DataTableObj = AdvancedGridServices.GetHeaderGridDataTable(Pageview.AreaID, Pageview.Page.ID); 840 841 WrapperObj Header = AdvancedGridServices.RenderWrapper(DataTableObj, "header", "header", Pageview.AreaID, Pageview.Page.ID); 842 WrapperObj Footer = AdvancedGridServices.RenderWrapper(DataTableObj, "footer", "footer", Pageview.AreaID, Pageview.Page.ID); 843 844 // var homepage = Dynamicweb.Services.Pages.GetRootPagesForArea(Pageview.AreaID).FirstOrDefault(p => p.ItemType == "HomePage" && p.Active) ?? Dynamicweb.Services.Pages.GetFirstPageForArea(Pageview.AreaID); 845 846 MasterLayoutPageObj MasterLayoutPageObj = MasterLayoutControllers.RenderMasterLayoutPageObj(Pageview); 847 848 bool userLoggedIn = false; 849 if (enableLogin) { userLoggedIn = Pageview.User == null ? false : true; } 850 851 string HeaderContainerSize = mc.HeaderConfiguration.ContainerSize != 0 ? mc.HeaderConfiguration.ContainerSize + "px" : "auto"; 852 853 } 854 855 @inherits Dynamicweb.Rendering.ViewModelTemplate<Dynamicweb.Frontend.PageViewModel> 856 @using Dynamicweb; 857 @using Dynamicweb.Content.Items; 858 859 <script> 860 861 function setImagesSizes(Classname) { 862 var Images = document.querySelectorAll(Classname); 863 for (var index = 0; index < Images.length; index++) { 864 if (!Images[index].hasAttribute("height")) { 865 Images[index].setAttribute("height", Images[index].offsetHeight); 866 } 867 if (!Images[index].hasAttribute("width")) { 868 Images[index].setAttribute("width", Images[index].offsetWidth); 869 } 870 } 871 } 872 873 window.addEventListener('load', function () { 874 setImagesSizes("img"); 875 setImagesSizes(".mc-header__logo-image"); 876 }); 877 878 </script> 879 880 881 @if (!hideHeader) 882 { 883 <header>@MasterLayoutPageObj.Header</header> 884 885 <!-- DO NOT REMOVE --> 886 <div id="quick-order"></div> 887 <div id="backdrop-megamenu"></div> 888 <mega-menu id="mega-menu"></mega-menu> 889 <!-- DO NOT REMOVE --> 890 } 891 892 @if (isVisualEditor && IsNotContentManager) 893 { 894 @AdvancedGridServices.RenderVisualEditorNavigation(DataTableObj, "header") 895 } 896 897 <style>@MasterLayoutPageObj.CSS</style> 898 899 <style> 900 901 902 .visual-editor__navigation { 903 position: absolute; 904 top: 10px; 905 left: 10px; 906 display: flex; 907 flex-direction: row; 908 z-index: 100000000; 909 } 910 911 .visual-editor__button { 912 height: 50px; 913 min-width: 150px; 914 right: auto; 915 left: auto; 916 background-color: white; 917 box-shadow: -10px 10px 10px rgb(28 28 84 / 25%); 918 display: flex; 919 justify-content: center; 920 align-items: center; 921 padding: 25px; 922 margin-right: 25px; 923 } 924 925 .visual-editor__button-icon { 926 margin-right: 25px; 927 } 928 929 .header { 930 --HeaderContainerDisplay: none; 931 } 932 933 .header__container { 934 padding: 0; 935 } 936 937 .header__container, .header__stickyheader-container { 938 max-width: none; 939 } 940 941 .header .AdvancedGrid__container { 942 max-width: @HeaderContainerSize; 943 margin: 0 auto; 944 } 945 946 .header .AdvancedGrid__column { 947 background-color: var(--BackgroundColor); 948 flex-grow: var(--FlexGrow); 949 } 950 951 .AdvancedGrid__row { 952 align-items: center; 953 } 954 </style> 955 956 @inherits Dynamicweb.Rendering.RazorTemplateBase<Dynamicweb.Rendering.RazorTemplateModel<Dynamicweb.Rendering.Template>> 957 @using Dynamicweb; 958 @using Bluedesk.DynamicWeb.ItemTypes; 959 960 @{ 961 var pid = ModuleOnlyParagraph.GetParagraphIDByTag<ModuleOnlyParagraph>("SideBarForm", Pageview.AreaID); 962 963 if (pid > 0) 964 { 965 <section id="vue-side-bar-form" data-paragraphid="@pid" data-telephone="@phonenumber" data-formatphonenumber="@formattedPhonenumber" data-isoffline="@isOffline"></section> 966 } 967 } 968 969 970 @if (@enableProductCompare) 971 { 972 <div id="vue-compare-list"></div> 973 } 974 975 @Model.Grid("grid", "Before breadcrumb", "", "AdvancedGrid") 976 977 @if (showBreadcrumbs && !isOverviewPage) 978 { 979 var navigationSettings = new NavigationSettings(); 980 navigationSettings.ExpandMode = ExpandMode.PathOnly; 981 navigationSettings.StartLevel = 1; 982 navigationSettings.StopLevel = 99; 983 navigationSettings.Parameters.Add("PageTitle", Model.Title); 984 navigationSettings.IncludeFoldersAndHidden = true; 985 986 @Navigation.RenderNavigation("Navigation/Breadcrumbs.cshtml", navigationSettings) 987 988 } 989 990 @Model.Grid("grid2", "After breadcrumb", "", "AdvancedGrid") 991 992 @inherits Dynamicweb.Rendering.ViewModelTemplate<Dynamicweb.Frontend.PageViewModel> 993 @using Dynamicweb; 994 @using Bluedesk.DynamicWeb.ItemTypes; 995 @using Bluedesk.DynamicWeb.ItemTypes.Extensions; 996 @using Bluedesk.DynamicWeb.ItemTypes.BaseSolution.Frontend; 997 998 @{ 999 1000 string footerLogo = BaseSettings.BrandConfiguration.Logos.FooterLogo; 1001 string footerDescription = BaseSettings.CorporateSettings.FooterDescription; 1002 1003 var fb = BaseSettings.SocialMedia.Facebook; 1004 var twitter = BaseSettings.SocialMedia.Twitter; 1005 var linkedin = BaseSettings.SocialMedia.LinkedIn; 1006 var instagram = BaseSettings.SocialMedia.Instagram; 1007 var youtube = BaseSettings.SocialMedia.Youtube; 1008 var pinterest = BaseSettings.SocialMedia.Pinterest ?? ""; 1009 1010 var companyName = BaseSettings.CorporateSettings.CompanyName; 1011 var Emailadress = BaseSettings.CorporateSettings.Emailadress; 1012 var Phonenumber = BaseSettings.CorporateSettings.Phonenumber; 1013 var Address = BaseSettings.CorporateSettings.Address; 1014 var Zipcode = BaseSettings.CorporateSettings.Zipcode; 1015 var City = BaseSettings.CorporateSettings.City; 1016 var Country = BaseSettings.CorporateSettings.Country; 1017 1018 var selectedPaymentLogos = BaseSettings.BrandConfiguration.Logos.FooterPaymentLogos; 1019 1020 bool footer__newsletter_signup_display = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(mc.FooterConfiguration.NewsLetterSignUpDisplay.ToString()) && mc.FooterConfiguration.NewsLetterSignUpDisplay.ToString() == "True" ? true : false; 1021 bool footer__USP_display = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(mc.FooterConfiguration.UspDisplay.ToString()) && mc.FooterConfiguration.UspDisplay.ToString() == "True" ? true : false; 1022 1023 string footer__background_color = mc.FooterConfiguration.BackgroundColor?.GetColorCode(Pageview.AreaID) ?? "#000000"; 1024 string footer__color = mc.FooterConfiguration.Color?.GetColorCode(Pageview.AreaID) ?? "#FFFFFF"; 1025 1026 string footer__top_image = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(mc.FooterConfiguration.TopImage.ToString()) ? mc.FooterConfiguration.TopImage.ToString() : ""; 1027 1028 1029 1030 } 1031 1032 <div id="scroll-to-top" class="scroll-to-top" aria-label="@Translate("Naar boven", "To Top")"> 1033 <span class="scroll-to-top__text"> 1034 @Translate("Naar boven", "To Top") 1035 </span> 1036 <i class="fal fa-arrow-to-top scroll-to-top__icon"></i> 1037 </div> 1038 1039 @if (Pageview.Page.ParentPageId > 0) 1040 { 1041 var siblings = Dynamicweb.Services.Pages.GetPagesByParentID(Pageview.Page.ParentPageId).Where(p => p.Active).ToList(); 1042 var parentpageItemType = Pageview.Page.Parent.ItemType; 1043 bool isParentPageOverviewpage = parentpageItemType == "OverviewPage"; 1044 1045 if (siblings.Count() > 1 && isParentPageOverviewpage) 1046 { 1047 var prevPage = siblings.OrderByDescending(p => p.Sort).FirstOrDefault(p => p.Sort < Pageview.Page.Sort); 1048 var nextPage = siblings.OrderBy(p => p.Sort).FirstOrDefault(p => p.Sort > Pageview.Page.Sort); 1049 var overview = "/Default.aspx?ID=" + Pageview.Page.ParentPageId; 1050 1051 <section class="page-navigation"> 1052 @if (prevPage != null) 1053 { 1054 var back = "/Default.aspx?ID=" + prevPage.ID; 1055 <a href="@back" class="page-navigation__item"> 1056 <i class="fal fa-arrow-alt-to-left page-navigation__item--icon"></i> 1057 <label class="page-navigation__item-label">@Translate("pagenavigation.previous", "Previous")</label> 1058 </a> 1059 } 1060 1061 <a href="@overview" class="page-navigation__item"> 1062 <label class="page-navigation__item-label">@Translate("pagenavigation.Overview", "To overview")</label> 1063 <i class="fas fa-th page-navigation__item--icon"></i> 1064 </a> 1065 1066 @if (nextPage != null) 1067 { 1068 var forward = "/Default.aspx?ID=" + nextPage.ID; 1069 <a href="@forward" class="page-navigation__item"> 1070 <label class="page-navigation__item-label">@Translate("", "Next")</label> 1071 <i class="fal fa-arrow-alt-to-right page-navigation__item--icon"></i> 1072 </a> 1073 } 1074 </section> 1075 } 1076 } 1077 1078 @* 1079 1080 @inherits Dynamicweb.Rendering.ViewModelTemplate<Dynamicweb.Frontend.PageViewModel> 1081 @using Dynamicweb; 1082 @using Bluedesk.Tools.DynamicWeb.ExtensionMethods; 1083 @using Bluedesk.DynamicWeb.ItemTypes; 1084 1085 @{ 1086 1087 if (Pageview.Page.ParentPageId > 0) 1088 { 1089 1090 // Paging 1091 1092 var siblings = Dynamicweb.Services.Pages.GetPagesByParentID(Pageview.Page.ParentPageId).Where(p => p.Active).ToList(); 1093 var currentID = Pageview.Page.ID; 1094 var parentpageItemType = Pageview.Page.Parent.ItemType; 1095 bool isParentPageOverviewpage = parentpageItemType == "OverviewPage"; 1096 1097 1098 var siblingsCount = siblings.Count; 1099 1100 int previousIdx = 0; 1101 int nextIdx = siblingsCount - 1; 1102 int idx = 0; 1103 1104 for (int i = 0; i < siblingsCount; i++) 1105 { 1106 if (siblings[i].ID == currentID && siblings[i].PropertyItem != null) 1107 { 1108 idx = i; 1109 } 1110 } 1111 1112 previousIdx = idx == previousIdx ? previousIdx : idx - 1; 1113 nextIdx = idx == nextIdx ? nextIdx : idx + 1; 1114 1115 var previousID = siblings[previousIdx].ID; 1116 var nextID = siblings[nextIdx].ID; 1117 var overview = "/Default.aspx?ID=" + Pageview.Page.ParentPageId; 1118 1119 if (siblingsCount > 1) 1120 { 1121 1122 <section class="page-navigation"> 1123 1124 @if (!(previousID == currentID || previousID == 0)) 1125 { 1126 var back = "/Default.aspx?ID=" + previousID; 1127 <a href="@back" class="page-navigation__item"> 1128 <i class="fal fa-arrow-alt-to-left page-navigation__item--icon"></i> 1129 <label class="page-navigation__item-label">@Translate("pagenavigation.previous", "Previous")</label> 1130 </a> 1131 } 1132 1133 <a href="@overview" class="page-navigation__item"> 1134 <label class="page-navigation__item-label">@Translate("pagenavigation.Overview", "To overview")</label> 1135 <i class="fas fa-th page-navigation__item--icon"></i> 1136 </a> 1137 1138 @if (!(nextID == currentID || nextID == 0)) 1139 { 1140 var forward = "/Default.aspx?ID=" + nextID; 1141 <a href="@forward" class="page-navigation__item"> 1142 <label class="page-navigation__item-label">@Translate("", "Next")</label> 1143 <i class="fal fa-arrow-alt-to-right page-navigation__item--icon"></i> 1144 </a> 1145 } 1146 1147 </section> 1148 1149 } 1150 1151 } 1152 else 1153 { 1154 // No action 1155 } 1156 1157 } 1158 1159 @inherits Dynamicweb.Rendering.RazorTemplateBase<Dynamicweb.Rendering.RazorTemplateModel<Dynamicweb.Rendering.Template>> 1160 @using Dynamicweb; 1161 1162 @if (Pageview.Page.ParentPageId > 0) 1163 { 1164 var siblings = Dynamicweb.Services.Pages.GetPagesByParentID(Pageview.Page.ParentPageId).Where(p => p.Active).ToList(); 1165 var parentpageItemType = Pageview.Page.Parent.ItemType; 1166 bool isParentPageOverviewpage = parentpageItemType == "OverviewPage"; 1167 1168 if (siblings.Count() > 1 && isParentPageOverviewpage) 1169 { 1170 var prevPage = siblings.OrderByDescending(p => p.Sort).FirstOrDefault(p => p.Sort < Pageview.Page.Sort); 1171 var nextPage = siblings.OrderBy(p => p.Sort).FirstOrDefault(p => p.Sort > Pageview.Page.Sort); 1172 var overview = "/Default.aspx?ID=" + Pageview.Page.ParentPageId; 1173 1174 <section class="page-navigation"> 1175 @if (prevPage != null) 1176 { 1177 var back = "/Default.aspx?ID=" + prevPage.ID; 1178 <a href="@back" class="page-navigation__item"> 1179 <i class="fal fa-arrow-alt-to-left page-navigation__item--icon"></i> 1180 <label class="page-navigation__item-label">@Translate("pagenavigation.previous", "Previous")</label> 1181 </a> 1182 } 1183 1184 <a href="@overview" class="page-navigation__item"> 1185 <label class="page-navigation__item-label">@Translate("pagenavigation.Overview", "To overview")</label> 1186 <i class="fas fa-th page-navigation__item--icon"></i> 1187 </a> 1188 1189 @if (nextPage != null) 1190 { 1191 var forward = "/Default.aspx?ID=" + nextPage.ID; 1192 <a href="@forward" class="page-navigation__item"> 1193 <label class="page-navigation__item-label">@Translate("", "Next")</label> 1194 <i class="fal fa-arrow-alt-to-right page-navigation__item--icon"></i> 1195 </a> 1196 } 1197 </section> 1198 } 1199 } 1200 1201 *@ 1202 1203 1204 1205 @if (!hideFooter) 1206 { 1207 <footer>@MasterLayoutPageObj.Footer</footer> 1208 } 1209 1210 @if (isVisualEditor && IsNotContentManager) 1211 { 1212 <nav class="footer-layout"> 1213 @AdvancedGridServices.RenderVisualEditorNavigation(DataTableObj, "footer") 1214 </nav> 1215 1216 <style> 1217 .footer-layout { 1218 position: absolute; 1219 bottom: 25px; 1220 } 1221 </style> 1222 } 1223 1224 @if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(footer__top_image) && HideStandardFooter == false) 1225 { 1226 <figure class="footer__top-image"> 1227 <img src="@footer__top_image" alt="" /> 1228 </figure> 1229 } 1230 1231 @if (HideStandardFooter == false || !hideFooter) 1232 { 1233 1234 <footer class="footer" style="--footer-bg-color: @footer__background_color; --footer-color: @footer__color;"> 1235 1236 @if (footer__USP_display) 1237 { 1238 if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(BaseSettings.USP.USP_1) || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(BaseSettings.USP.USP_2) || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(BaseSettings.USP.USP_3) || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(BaseSettings.USP.USP_4) || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(BaseSettings.USP.USP_5)) 1239 { 1240 <div class="footer-usp__wrapper"> 1241 <div class="container"> 1242 <ul class="footer-usp__list flex-wrap"> 1243 @RenderFooterUSP(BaseSettings.USP.USP_1, BaseSettings.USP.USP_1_icon) 1244 @RenderFooterUSP(BaseSettings.USP.USP_2, BaseSettings.USP.USP_2_icon) 1245 @RenderFooterUSP(BaseSettings.USP.USP_3, BaseSettings.USP.USP_3_icon) 1246 @RenderFooterUSP(BaseSettings.USP.USP_4, BaseSettings.USP.USP_4_icon) 1247 @RenderFooterUSP(BaseSettings.USP.USP_5, BaseSettings.USP.USP_5_icon) 1248 1249 </ul> 1250 </div> 1251 </div> 1252 } 1253 } 1254 1255 @if (footer__newsletter_signup_display) 1256 { 1257 <div> 1258 @inherits Dynamicweb.Rendering.ViewModelTemplate<Dynamicweb.Frontend.PageViewModel> 1259 @using Dynamicweb; 1260 1261 @{ 1262 var newsletterFormID = ModuleOnlyParagraph.GetParagraphIDByTag<ModuleOnlyParagraph>("Footer.Newsletter", Pageview.AreaID); 1263 1264 if (newsletterFormID > 0) 1265 { 1266 <section class="footer__newsletter-container"> 1267 <div class="container footer__newsletter"> 1268 <label class="footer__newsletter-label"> 1269 @Translate("Footer.SignUpNewsletter", "Sign up for the digital newsletter") 1270 </label> 1271 @RenderParagraphContent(newsletterFormID) 1272 </div> 1273 </section> 1274 } 1275 } 1276 1277 </div> 1278 } 1279 1280 @if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(mc.FooterConfiguration.BackgroundGradient)) 1281 { 1282 <style> 1283 .footer { 1284 @mc.FooterConfiguration.BackgroundGradient; 1285 } 1286 </style> 1287 } 1288 1289 <section class="container footer__content"> 1290 1291 <div class="footer__link"> 1292 @{ 1293 var footerColumnOneNavigationSettings = new NavigationSettings(); 1294 footerColumnOneNavigationSettings.ExpandMode = ExpandMode.All; 1295 footerColumnOneNavigationSettings.StartLevel = 1; 1296 footerColumnOneNavigationSettings.StopLevel = 4; 1297 footerColumnOneNavigationSettings.RootNavigationTag = "footer-column-1"; 1298 var footerColumnOneNavigation = Navigation.RenderNavigation("Navigation/BottomNavigation.cshtml", footerColumnOneNavigationSettings); 1299 1300 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(footerColumnOneNavigation)) 1301 { 1302 <p class="footer__link-header">@Translate("Footer.Column1.Header", "What you need to know")</p> 1303 @footerColumnOneNavigation 1304 } 1305 } 1306 </div> 1307 <div class="footer__link"> 1308 @{ 1309 var footerColumnTwoNavigationSettings = new NavigationSettings(); 1310 footerColumnTwoNavigationSettings.ExpandMode = ExpandMode.All; 1311 footerColumnTwoNavigationSettings.StartLevel = 1; 1312 footerColumnTwoNavigationSettings.StopLevel = 4; 1313 footerColumnTwoNavigationSettings.RootNavigationTag = "footer-column-2"; 1314 var footerColumnTwoNavigation = Navigation.RenderNavigation("Navigation/BottomNavigation.cshtml", footerColumnTwoNavigationSettings); 1315 1316 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(footerColumnTwoNavigation)) 1317 { 1318 <p class="footer__link-header">@Translate("Footer.Column2.Header", "Category two")</p> 1319 @footerColumnTwoNavigation 1320 } 1321 } 1322 </div> 1323 <div class="footer__link"> 1324 @{ 1325 var footerColumnThreeNavigationSettings = new NavigationSettings(); 1326 footerColumnThreeNavigationSettings.ExpandMode = ExpandMode.All; 1327 footerColumnThreeNavigationSettings.StartLevel = 1; 1328 footerColumnThreeNavigationSettings.StopLevel = 4; 1329 footerColumnThreeNavigationSettings.RootNavigationTag = "footer-column-3"; 1330 var footerColumnThreeNavigation = Navigation.RenderNavigation("Navigation/BottomNavigation.cshtml", footerColumnThreeNavigationSettings); 1331 1332 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(footerColumnThreeNavigation)) 1333 { 1334 <p class="footer__link-header">@Translate("Footer.Column3.Header", "Category three")</p> 1335 @footerColumnThreeNavigation 1336 } 1337 } 1338 </div> 1339 1340 @if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(footerLogo) || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(footerDescription)) 1341 { 1342 <div class="footer__description-container"> 1343 @if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(footerLogo)) 1344 { 1345 <img class="footer__logo" loading="lazy" src="/Admin/Public/GetImage.ashx?Image=@footerLogo&Crop=5&Format=webp&Quality=99&Compression=80&Width=400" alt="Footer logo" width="400" height="200" /> 1346 } 1347 1348 @if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(footerDescription)) 1349 { 1350 <div class="footer__description"> 1351 @footerDescription 1352 </div> 1353 } 1354 </div> 1355 } 1356 1357 </section> 1358 1359 <section class="footer__copyright"> 1360 1361 <div class="container bottombar__container"> 1362 @{ 1363 var copyRightMenuNavigationSettings = new NavigationSettings(); 1364 copyRightMenuNavigationSettings.ExpandMode = ExpandMode.All; 1365 copyRightMenuNavigationSettings.StartLevel = 1; 1366 copyRightMenuNavigationSettings.StopLevel = 4; 1367 copyRightMenuNavigationSettings.RootNavigationTag = "bottombar"; 1368 var copyRightMenuNavigation = Navigation.RenderNavigation("Navigation/CleanNavigation.cshtml", copyRightMenuNavigationSettings); 1369 1370 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(copyRightMenuNavigation)) 1371 { 1372 @copyRightMenuNavigation; 1373 } 1374 } 1375 1376 @if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(twitter) || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fb) || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(linkedin) || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(youtube) || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(instagram) || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pinterest)) 1377 { 1378 <section class="footer__social-container"> 1379 1380 <span class="footer__icon-labels">@Translate("Footer.FollowUs", "Volg ons op:")</span> 1381 1382 <div class="footer__social-icon-container"> 1383 @if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(twitter)) 1384 { 1385 <a href="@twitter" target="_blank" title="twitter" class="footer__social" rel="noreferrer"><i class="fab fa-twitter"></i></a> 1386 } 1387 @if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fb)) 1388 { 1389 <a href="@fb" target="_blank" title="facebook" class="footer__social" rel="noreferrer"><i class="fab fa-facebook-square"></i></a> 1390 } 1391 @if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(linkedin)) 1392 { 1393 <a href="@linkedin" target="_blank" title="LinkedIn" class="footer__social" rel="noreferrer"><i class="fab fa-linkedin"></i></a> 1394 } 1395 @if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(youtube)) 1396 { 1397 <a href="@youtube" target="_blank" title="YouTube" class="footer__social" rel="noreferrer"><i class="fab fa-youtube"></i></a> 1398 } 1399 @if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(instagram)) 1400 { 1401 <a href="@instagram" target="_blank" title="Instagram" class="footer__social" rel="noreferrer"><i class="fab fa-instagram"></i></a> 1402 } 1403 @if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pinterest)) 1404 { 1405 <a href="@pinterest" target="_blank" title="Pinterest" class="footer__social" rel="noreferrer"><i class="fab fa-pinterest"></i></a> 1406 } 1407 </div> 1408 1409 </section> 1410 } 1411 </div> 1412 1413 </section> 1414 1415 <section class="footer-paymentoptions" data-paymentmethods="@selectedPaymentLogos"></section> 1416 </footer> 1417 1418 } 1419 1420 @helper RenderFooterUSP(string USP_content, string USP_icon) 1421 { 1422 if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(USP_content)) 1423 { 1424 var usp_icon_class = (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(USP_icon)) ? USP_icon : "fal fa-check"; 1425 1426 <li class="footer-usp__item"> 1427 <i class="@usp_icon_class footer-usp__icon"></i> 1428 <span>@USP_content</span> 1429 </li> 1430 } 1431 } 1432 1433 @inherits Dynamicweb.Rendering.ViewModelTemplate<Dynamicweb.Frontend.PageViewModel> 1434 @using Dynamicweb; 1435 @using Dynamicweb.Content.Items; 1436 @using Bluedesk.DynamicWeb.ItemTypes; 1437 1438 @{ 1439 var colorService = new ColorSwatchService(); 1440 bool displayPrices = mc.EcomConfiguration.HidePricesForGuests ? Pageview.User != null : true; 1441 string ShowZeroPrices = (!mc.EcomConfiguration.HideZeroPrices).ToString().ToLower(); 1442 1443 var homepage = Dynamicweb.Services.Pages.GetRootPagesForArea(Pageview.AreaID).FirstOrDefault(p => p.ItemType == "HomePage" && p.Active) ?? Dynamicweb.Services.Pages.GetFirstPageForArea(Pageview.AreaID); 1444 1445 var bottomBarItemsList = new List<object>(); 1446 foreach (var _item in mc.FooterConfiguration.BottombarItemList) 1447 { 1448 string title = _item.Title; 1449 string link = _item.TargetLink; 1450 1451 if (_item.Type == "login" && Pageview.User != null) 1452 { 1453 title = @Translate("Bottombar.Logout", "Logout"); 1454 link = $"/Admin/Public/ExtranetLogoff.aspx?ID={homepage.ID}"; 1455 } 1456 1457 var newItem = new 1458 { 1459 title = title, 1460 icon = _item.Icon, 1461 link = link, 1462 subtitle = _item.Title, 1463 type = _item.Type, 1464 visible = true 1465 }; 1466 bottomBarItemsList.Add(newItem); 1467 } 1468 var allBottomBarItems = bottomBarItemsList.ToArray(); 1469 string bottomBarItemsJson = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(allBottomBarItems).Replace("\"", "\'"); 1470 1471 string BottombarBackgroundColor = mc.FooterConfiguration.BottombarBackgroundColor; 1472 if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(BottombarBackgroundColor)) 1473 { 1474 BottombarBackgroundColor = !BottombarBackgroundColor.Contains("#") ? colorService.GetHexColor(Pageview.AreaID, BottombarBackgroundColor) : BottombarBackgroundColor; 1475 } 1476 1477 string BottombarTextColor = mc.FooterConfiguration.BottombarTextColor; 1478 if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(BottombarTextColor)) 1479 { 1480 BottombarTextColor = !BottombarTextColor.Contains("#") ? colorService.GetHexColor(Pageview.AreaID, BottombarTextColor) : BottombarTextColor; 1481 } 1482 1483 string BottombarIconColor = mc.FooterConfiguration.BottombarIconColor; 1484 if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(BottombarIconColor)) 1485 { 1486 BottombarIconColor = !BottombarIconColor.Contains("#") ? colorService.GetHexColor(Pageview.AreaID, BottombarIconColor) : BottombarIconColor; 1487 } 1488 } 1489 1490 <style> 1491 .bottombar { 1492 background-color: @BottombarBackgroundColor; 1493 } 1494 .bottombar__button span { 1495 color: @BottombarTextColor; 1496 } 1497 .bottombar__button [class^=fa], 1498 .bottombar__button [class^=svg-] { 1499 color: @BottombarIconColor; 1500 } 1501 </style> 1502 1503 @if (!hideBottombar) 1504 { 1505 <section id="vue-modal" 1506 data-show-prices="@displayPrices.ToString().ToLower()" 1507 data-show-zero-prices="@ShowZeroPrices"> 1508 </section> 1509 1510 <section id="vue-bottom-bar" 1511 data-items="@bottomBarItemsJson" 1512 data-phonenumber="@formattedPhonenumber" 1513 data-isoffline="@isOffline" 1514 data-emailadress="@emailadress" 1515 data-currentpageid="@homepage.ID" 1516 data-enable-login="@enableLogin" 1517 data-enable-shoppingcart="@enableShoppingCart" 1518 data-enable-advancedsearch="@enableAdvancedSearch"></section> 1519 } 1520 1521 @{ 1522 int SearchPageID = Bluedesk.Tools.DynamicWeb.Generic.PageHelper.GetPageIDByNavigationTag("searchresults", Pageview.AreaID); 1523 var SearchPlaceholder = Translate("Searchbox.PlaceholderValue", "Search..."); 1524 var SearchPlaceholderHover = Translate("Search.PlaceholderValue2", "Zoekt u misschien een ...?"); 1525 var SearchPrefill = Dynamicweb.Context.Current.Request["q"]; 1526 var SearchboxClass = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(SearchPrefill) ? "open" : ""; 1527 var SearchtoggleClass = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(SearchPrefill) ? "close" : ""; 1528 } 1529 1530 <section class="bottombar__searchbox__wrapper"> 1531 <form class="searchbox__form" method="get" action="/Default.aspx" style="display: flex; flex-grow: 1;"> 1532 <input type="text" name="q" value="@SearchPrefill" class="searchbox__input" placeholder="@SearchPlaceholder" aria-label="Search through site content" data-placeholder="@SearchPlaceholder" data-hoverplaceholder="@SearchPlaceholderHover" style="display: flex; flex-grow: 1;" /> 1533 <div class="searchbox__button"> 1534 <button type="submit" class="searchbox__form__submit icon icon--medium icon__search input__icon" aria-label="Search"> 1535 <i class="fal fa-search"></i> 1536 </button> 1537 </div> 1538 <input type="hidden" name="ID" value="@SearchPageID" /> 1539 </form> 1540 1541 </section> 1542 1543 @using Dynamicweb.Rendering 1544 @using Dynamicweb.Security.UserManagement 1545 1546 @{ 1547 UserImpersonation impersonationMode = User.ImpersonationMode; 1548 User currentUser = Pageview.User; 1549 User secondaryUser = Pageview.User?.CurrentSecondaryUser ?? null; 1550 bool isImpersonating = Pageview.User?.CurrentSecondaryUser != null; 1551 int impersonationPageId = GetPageIdByNavigationTag("CustomerImpersonation"); 1552 1553 if(isImpersonating && impersonationMode == UserImpersonation.Full) { 1554 currentUser = Pageview.User.CurrentSecondaryUser; 1555 secondaryUser = Pageview.User; 1556 } 1557 } 1558 1559 @if(currentUser != null && currentUser.GetUsersICanSetAsSecondary().Count > 0) 1560 { 1561 <div class="impersonation"> 1562 <div class="impersonation__header"> 1563 <p class="impersonation__title"> 1564 @Translate("Impersonate.Modal.Title", "Impersonation") 1565 @if (isImpersonating) 1566 { 1567 <span title="On" class="impersonation__indicator"></span> 1568 } 1569 </p> 1570 <i class="fal fa-chevron-up impersonation__header-icon"></i> 1571 </div> 1572 <div class="impersonation__body"> 1573 @if (isImpersonating) 1574 { 1575 <p>@string.Format(Translate("Impersonate.CurrentImpersonation", "You ({0}) are currently impersonating {1}"), string.Format("<strong>{0}</strong>", currentUser.UserName), string.Format("<strong>{0}</strong>", secondaryUser.UserName))</p> 1576 1577 <form method="post" name="stopImpersonation"> 1578 <input name="DwExtranetRemoveSecondaryUser" id="DwExtranetRemoveSecondaryUser" type="hidden"> 1579 <div class="mt-4"> 1580 <button class="btn btn__primary" type="submit"> 1581 <span class="btn__text">@Translate("Impersonate.StopBtn", "Stop impersonation")</span> 1582 <i class="fas fa-ban btn__icon"></i> 1583 </button> 1584 </div> 1585 </form> 1586 } else { 1587 <p>@Translate("Impersonate.Modal.Content", "Take a look at the list of customers you can impersonate.")</p> 1588 <div class="w-full flex mt-2"> 1589 <a href="Default.aspx?ID=@impersonationPageId" class="btn btn__primary"> 1590 <span class="btn__text">@Translate("Impersonate.Modal.ViewList", "View List")</span> 1591 <i class="fal fa-chevron-right btn__icon"></i> 1592 </a> 1593 </div> 1594 } 1595 </div> 1596 </div> 1597 } 1598 1599 @inherits Dynamicweb.Rendering.ViewModelTemplate<Dynamicweb.Frontend.PageViewModel> 1600 @using System; 1601 @using Dynamicweb; 1602 @using Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.CustomerExperienceCenter.Favorites; 1603 1604 @{ 1605 var favListService = new FavoriteListService(); 1606 IEnumerable<FavoriteList> favoriteLists = Pageview.User != null ? favListService.GetLists(Pageview.User.ID) : null; 1607 int favoritelistsPageId = GetPageIdByNavigationTag("CustomerFavorites"); 1608 } 1609 1610 @if(favoriteLists != null && Pageview.User != null) 1611 { 1612 <div class="offcanvas__backdrop" name="favoritelist"></div> 1613 <aside class="offcanvas" data-listcount="@favoriteLists.Count()" name="favoritelist"> 1614 <header class="offcanvas__header"> 1615 <span class="offcanvas__title">@Translate("OffCanvasMenu.FavoritesTitle", "Add to favorite list")</span> 1616 <button class="offcanvas__close" aria-label="@Translate("OffCanvasMenu.Close", "Close menu")"> 1617 <i class="fal fa-times"></i> 1618 </button> 1619 </header> 1620 <div class="offcanvas__body"> 1621 <p>@Translate("OffCanvasMenu.FavoritesContent", "Select the list you want to add the product to")</p> 1622 <ul class="favorites__list"> 1623 @foreach(FavoriteList list in favoriteLists) { 1624 <li class="favorites__list-item" data-listid="@list.ListId"> 1625 <span class="favorites__list-itemname">@list.Name</span> 1626 <i class="fas fa-plus"></i> 1627 </li> 1628 } 1629 </ul> 1630 </div> 1631 <footer class="offcanvas__footer"> 1632 <a href="/Default.aspx?ID=@favoritelistsPageId" class="btn btn__primary"> 1633 <span class="btn__text">@Translate("OffCanvasMenu.FavoritesManageLists", "Manage lists")</span> 1634 <i class="far fa-chevron-right btn__icon"></i> 1635 </a> 1636 </footer> 1637 </aside> 1638 } 1639 1640 1641 1642 <div id="backdrop"></div> 1643 1644 <script src="@appbundlejs"></script> 1645 <script defer src="@vuebundlejs"></script> 1646 <script defer src="@appAsyncbundlejs"></script> 1647 1648 @if (font_configuration != null) 1649 { 1650 foreach (var item in font_configuration.Item.ToCodeFirstItem<Bluedesk.DynamicWeb.ItemTypes.Pages.ConfigurationPagesParent>().GetChildConfigs<FontConfiguration>()) 1651 { 1652 if (item["FontLink"] != null) 1653 { 1654 string FontName = item["FontName"].ToString().Replace(" ", ""); 1655 string cssFile = $"files/Templates/Designs/Backyard/GoogleFont/{FontName}/{FontName}.css"; 1656 <link href="@cssFile" rel="stylesheet"> 1657 } 1658 } 1659 } 1660 1661 <link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-rqn26AG5Pj86AF4SO72RK5fyefcQ/x32DNQfChxWvbXIyXFePlEktwD18fEz+kQU" crossorigin="anonymous"> 1662 1663 @if (isVisualEditor && IsNotContentManager) 1664 { 1665 1666 <style> 1667 body { 1668 background-color: #f1f1f1; 1669 font-family: 'Barlow', sans-serif; 1670 } 1671 1672 .slidePanel { 1673 position: fixed; 1674 top: 0; 1675 bottom: 0; 1676 min-width: 500px; 1677 box-shadow: -10px 10px 10px rgb(153 153 255 / 10%); 1678 background-color: #FFFFFF; 1679 z-index: 1000; 1680 box-sizing: border-box; 1681 transition: all .5s ease-in; 1682 } 1683 1684 { 1685 right: 0; 1686 } 1687 1688 .slidePanel { 1689 right: -500px; 1690 transition: all 0.5s ease-in; 1691 } 1692 1693 .slidePanel__container { 1694 display: flex; 1695 position: relative; 1696 height: 100%; 1697 } 1698 1699 .togglePanelButton { 1700 position: fixed; 1701 top: 50px; 1702 left: 50px; 1703 display: flex; 1704 justify-content: center; 1705 align-items: center; 1706 color: white; 1707 background-color: black; 1708 padding: 0px 25px; 1709 height: 50px; 1710 cursor: pointer; 1711 z-index: 1000; 1712 } 1713 1714 .closeButton { 1715 position: absolute; 1716 display: flex; 1717 top: 25px; 1718 right: 25px; 1719 font-size: 2rem; 1720 text-decoration: none; 1721 color: black; 1722 } 1723 1724 .blur { 1725 filter: blur(4px); 1726 pointer-events: none; 1727 } 1728 1729 .sideMenu { 1730 display: flex; 1731 position: absolute; 1732 align-items: center; 1733 min-height: 100px; 1734 z-index: 1200; 1735 top: 0; 1736 bottom: 0; 1737 right: 100%; 1738 flex-direction: column; 1739 justify-content: center; 1740 } 1741 1742 .sideMenu__link:first-child { 1743 margin-top: 10px; 1744 } 1745 1746 .sideMenu__link { 1747 position: relative; 1748 flex-direction: column; 1749 display: flex; 1750 height: 50px; 1751 width: 50px; 1752 background-color: #f1f1f1; 1753 margin-bottom: 10px; 1754 margin-left: 10px; 1755 margin-right: 10px; 1756 justify-content: space-between; 1757 align-items: center; 1758 font-size: 10px; 1759 padding: 10px; 1760 box-sizing: border-box; 1761 text-decoration: none; 1762 color: rgb(22, 101, 123); 1763 font-size: 24px; 1764 } 1765 .sideMenu__link:hover { 1766 background-color: #c9c9c9; 1767 color: white; 1768 transition: all ease-in 0.5s; 1769 } 1770 .sideMenu__link label { 1771 font-size: 12px; 1772 } 1773 1774 .sideMenu__container { 1775 display: flex; 1776 position: relative; 1777 flex-direction: column; 1778 box-shadow: -10px 10px 10px rgb(153 153 255 / 10%); 1779 background-color: white; 1780 } 1781 1782 .toolbar.close { 1783 display: none; 1784 } 1785 1786 #toolbarVE { 1787 position: fixed !important; 1788 z-index: 100; 1789 background-color: #CCC; 1790 border: 2px solid #F1F1F1; 1791 text-align: center; 1792 right: 0px; 1793 top: 300px; 1794 } 1795 1796 #toolbarVEHeader { 1797 padding: 10px; 1798 cursor: move; 1799 z-index: 10; 1800 background-color: #6e6e6e; 1801 color: #fff; 1802 } 1803 </style> 1804 1805 <div class="toolbarVE" id="toolbar" style="top: 150px; left: auto; width: 70px; position: fixed !important; right: 0px !important; "> 1806 <div id="toolbarVEHeader"> 1807 <a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="toggleClass('.toolbar', 'close');" style="color: #FFF;"><i class="icon fa-light fa-circle-xmark"></i></a> 1808 </div> 1809 <section class="sideMenu__container"> 1810 <a href="javascript:history.back();" class="sideMenu__link"><i class="icon fa-light fa-reply"></i></a> 1811 <a href="/dashboard-configuration" class="sideMenu__link"><i class="icon fa-light fa-grid-horizontal"></i></a> 1812 <a href="/button-configuration" class="sideMenu__link"><i class="icon fa-light fa-diagram-cells"></i></a> 1813 <a href="/button-configuration" class="sideMenu__link"><i class="icon fa-light fa-link"></i></a> 1814 <a href="/background-configuration" class="sideMenu__link"><i class="icon fa-light fa-paintbrush"></i></a> 1815 <a href="/jumbotron-configuration" class="sideMenu__link"><i class="icon fa-light fa-megaphone"></i></a> 1816 <a href="/theme-configuration-page/theme-01" class="sideMenu__link"><i class="icon fa-light fa-brush"></i></a> 1817 <a href="/font-configuration" class="sideMenu__link"><i class="icon fa-light fa-font"></i></a> 1818 <a href="/device-manager" class="sideMenu__link"><i class="icon fa-light fa-computer"></i></a> 1819 </section> 1820 </div> 1821 1822 <script> 1823 function toggleClass(ClassName, AddedClassName) { 1824 var element = document.querySelector(ClassName); 1825 if (element.classList.contains(AddedClassName)) { 1826 element.classList.remove(AddedClassName); 1827 } else { 1828 element.classList.add(AddedClassName); 1829 } 1830 } 1831 </script> 1832 1833 <script> 1834 //Make the DIV element draggagle: 1835 dragElement(document.getElementById("toolbar")); 1836 1837 function dragElement(elmnt) { 1838 var pos1 = 0, pos2 = 0, pos3 = 0, pos4 = 0; 1839 if (document.getElementById( + "Header")) { 1840 /* if present, the header is where you move the DIV from:*/ 1841 document.getElementById( + "Header").onmousedown = dragMouseDown; 1842 } else { 1843 /* otherwise, move the DIV from anywhere inside the DIV:*/ 1844 elmnt.onmousedown = dragMouseDown; 1845 } 1846 1847 function dragMouseDown(e) { 1848 e = e || window.event; 1849 e.preventDefault(); 1850 // get the mouse cursor position at startup: 1851 pos3 = e.clientX; 1852 pos4 = e.clientY; 1853 document.onmouseup = closeDragElement; 1854 // call a function whenever the cursor moves: 1855 document.onmousemove = elementDrag; 1856 } 1857 1858 function elementDrag(e) { 1859 e = e || window.event; 1860 e.preventDefault(); 1861 // calculate the new cursor position: 1862 pos1 = pos3 - e.clientX; 1863 pos2 = pos4 - e.clientY; 1864 pos3 = e.clientX; 1865 pos4 = e.clientY; 1866 // set the element's new position: 1867 = (elmnt.offsetTop - pos2) + "px"; 1868 = (elmnt.offsetLeft - pos1) + "px"; 1869 } 1870 1871 function closeDragElement() { 1872 /* stop moving when mouse button is released:*/ 1873 document.onmouseup = null; 1874 document.onmousemove = null; 1875 } 1876 } 1877 </script> 1878 1879 @*<section class="slidePanel" id="slidePanel"> 1880 1881 <div class="slidePanel__container"> 1882 1883 <a href="javasciprt:void(0);" onclick="toggleClass('.slidePanel', 'open'); toggleClass('main', 'blur')" class="closeButton"> 1884 <i class="fal fa-circle-xmark"></i> 1885 </a> 1886 1887 1888 <nav class="sideMenu" id="sideMenu"> 1889 1890 <section class="sideMenu__container"> 1891 <a href="javascript:history.back();" class="sideMenu__link"><i class="fal fa-reply"></i></a> 1892 <a href="/dashboard-configuration" class="sideMenu__link"><i class="fal fa-grid-horizontal"></i></a> 1893 <a href="/button-configuration" class="sideMenu__link"><i class="fal fa-diagram-cells"></i></a> 1894 <a href="/button-configuration" class="sideMenu__link"><i class="fal fa-link"></i></a> 1895 <a href="/background-configuration" class="sideMenu__link"><i class="fal fa-paintbrush"></i></a> 1896 <a href="/jumbotron-configuration" class="sideMenu__link"><i class="fal fa-megaphone"></i></a> 1897 <a href="/theme-configuration-page/theme-01" class="sideMenu__link"><i class="fal fa-brush"></i></a> 1898 <a href="/font-configuration" class="sideMenu__link"><i class="fal fa-font"></i></a> 1899 <a href="/device-manager" class="sideMenu__link"><i class="fal fa-computer"></i></a> 1900 </section> 1901 </nav> 1902 1903 </div> 1904 1905 </section>*@ 1906 1907 <script src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> 1908 1909 } 1910 1911 1912 @if (isVisualEditor) 1913 { 1914 1915 int FooProductDetailLayoutID = 0; 1916 1917 <nav class="webshop-visual-editor__navigation"> 1918 <section class="webshop-visual-editor__link-container"> 1919 <a href="Default.aspx?ID=@ProductOverviewLayoutID" class="webshop-visual-editor__link"><i class="fa-regular fa-cart-shopping"></i> Edit Product Overview</a> 1920 </section> 1921 <section class="webshop-visual-editor__link-container"> 1922 <a href="Default.aspx?ID=@ProductDetailLayoutID" class="webshop-visual-editor__link"><i class="fa-regular fa-cart-shopping"></i> Edit Product Detail</a> 1923 <ul> 1924 @foreach (GridRow g in Dynamicweb.Services.Grids.GetGridRowsByPageId(ProductDetailLayoutID)) 1925 { 1926 1927 ProductDetailPageBreakpointRow _data = ItemManager.Storage.GetById<ProductDetailPageBreakpointRow>(g.ItemId.ToString()); 1928 FooProductDetailLayoutID = Dynamicweb.Services.Pages.GetPageForItem("ProductDetailPage", _data.ProductDetailConfiguration.Id).ID; 1929 1930 <li><a href="Default.aspx?ID=@FooProductDetailLayoutID">@_data.ProductDetailConfiguration.Name</a></li> 1931 1932 } 1933 </ul> 1934 </section> 1935 </nav> 1936 1937 <style> 1938 .webshop-visual-editor__navigation { 1939 position: fixed; 1940 display: flex; 1941 top: 50px; 1942 left: 50px; 1943 z-index: 100000; 1944 flex-direction: row; 1945 } 1946 1947 .webshop-visual-editor__link { 1948 color: black; 1949 } 1950 1951 .webshop-visual-editor__link-container { 1952 position: relative; 1953 display: flex; 1954 box-shadow: -10px 10px 10px rgb(153 153 255 / 10%); 1955 background-color: white; 1956 padding: 5px; 1957 margin-right: 25px; 1958 flex-direction: column; 1959 } 1960 </style> 1961 1962 } 1963 1964 </body> 1965 </html> 1966