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+31 (0)72 540 66 99

We are available until 17:00



Article number: 5017

Voor 12:00 uur besteld, morgen in huis

  • Designed to make decontamination easier.
  • Dose rate meter for online monitoring.
  • Selection of different suction heads for different kinds of jobs.

The KOKS SAKAL-robot was originally designed for handling and removal of pollution from hazardous and contaminated storage and drain tanks in non-ATEX zones at the site of nuclear power plants, where human access is necessarily restricted due to the radiation levels present. Nowadays the SAKAL-robot is designed for more applications such as cleaning wastewater systems, sewers, drainage pools, industrial tanks and ponds in non-ATEX zones at for example copper, aluminum and zinc plants. The SAKAL-robot is designed for long-term use under severe conditions in tanks and various other types of confined spaces in submerged conditions.


In addition, the KOKS SAKAL-robot is a proven design for heavy and hazardous industrial applications and suitable for cleaning areas such as underground tanks or collection basins in non-ATEX zones with restricted human access.


Do you have any questions about KOKS products or would you like to receive more information? If so, please contact the KOKS sales team via telephone number +31 (0) 72 540 66 99 or via e-mail

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Informace o produktu

The KOKS SAKAL-robot was originally designed for handling and removal of pollution from hazardous and contaminated storage and drain tanks in non-ATEX zones at the site of nuclear power plants, where human access is necessarily restricted due to the radiation levels present. Nowadays the SAKAL-robot is designed for more applications such as cleaning wastewater systems, sewers, drainage pools, industrial tanks and ponds in non-ATEX zones at for example copper, aluminum and zinc plants. The SAKAL-robot is designed for long-term use under severe conditions in tanks and various other types of confined spaces in submerged conditions.

In addition, the KOKS SAKAL-robot is a proven design for heavy and hazardous industrial applications and suitable for cleaning areas such as underground tanks or collection basins in non-ATEX zones with restricted human access.


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Voor 12:00 uur besteld, morgen in huis

Article number: 5017

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