Return vapour cleaner/scrubber for industrial vacuum work activities

Mobile scrubbers

The KOKS scrubber, also known as a return vapour cleaner or scrubber, is used to purify released gases from the exhaust of a pressure/vacuum truck.​

The KOKS scrubber offers an excellent solution through the use of different washing phases that are connected in series. The barrels of the scrubber can be filled with different detergents. For example, a detergent combination can always be found that can process all the chemicals that a transporter may be exposed to. When switching to a different chemical, the scrubber can easily be adapted to the new situation by replacing one or both detergents.

Depending on the properties of the vapours and the quantity of pollutants, measures must be taken to reduce the emission as much as possible. In such situations a scrubber is very suitable. KOKS scrubbers are manufactured in accordance with the latest NEN standards, and are PED certified.

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KOKS Scrubber 4000

KOKS Scrubber 4000

Return vapour cleaner

The KOKS mobile scrubber 4000, also referred to as a return vapour cleaner, may be connected to the vacuum pump exhaust connection of a vacuum/tank truck. The scrubber cleans, in 10-phases*, vapours/gases from the vacuum pump exhaust which are released when suctioning products using vacuum technology.


KOKS Scrubber 8000

KOKS Scrubber 8000

Return vapour cleaner

The KOKS mobile scrubber 8000, also referred to as a return vapour cleaner, may be connected to the vacuum pump exhaust connection of a vacuum/tank truck. The scrubber cleans, in 2x 10-phases*, vapours/gases from the vacuum pump exhaust which are released when suctioning products using vacuum technology.

KOKS Scrubber requirements

Scrubber requirements

When loading and unloading vacuum/tank trucks, a large volume of gas (residual gas) is usually sucked into or pushed out of the vehicle to be filled. This gas is often heavily contaminated with vapours. These vapours often contain considerable amounts of pollutants, which must not be allowed to be released into the atmosphere. This is especially true for vacuum/tank trucks that are used for different chemicals; the quantities of gas pose a threat to the operating personnel and the environment.

3D animation KOKS mobile scrubber

Types of scrubbers

This means the operation of a scrubber is based on the purification of vapours/gases from the exhaust of a pressure/vacuum truck at different washing stages. Scrubbers that work in accordance with this principle are the KOKS mobile scrubber 4000 and KOKS mobile scrubber 8000.

Use of scrubbers industrial vacuum cleaning work

Applications for use of scrubbers

  • Emergency clean-up
  • Technical chemical cleaning
  • Industrial cleaning
  • Oil separation
  • Onshore activities
  • Petro-chemical activities
  • Septic tank cleaning
  • Shut-down cleaning activities
  • Silo cleaning
  • Vacuum cleaning activities
  • Collection of waste oil
  • Ship cleaning
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